Thursday 2 February 2012

It is unfortunate that the political situation in Nigeria today is certainly not a good one because there is no section of the country that something positive can be said about. While some people have argued that the current situation is a direct consequence of the colonial foundation already laid with the 1914 amalgamation others retort that irrespective of the colonial foundations, if we had good leaders from independence, then 50years after independence we should have stopped crying foul about the actions of the colonial interlopers. Generally, scholars have variously expoused that our usual scape goats: colonialism, the military, the civil war, our diversity and the ‘oil-course’, corruption etc has continued to remain our problems confronting us in NIGERIA. It is pertinent to say here however, that other countries have gone through similar or worse experiences and have gone on to make success out of their situations. In Nigeria, things are not just bad, they are indeed getting worse, that is why the nation is now referred to as WAYWARD(Chinua Achebe), PRODIGAL(Solana Olumensa) or even VAGABOND(Elebaku).
The condition that led to the Nigerian civil war are still here with us, 43years later. Indeed, they are getting worse- domination, domineering tendencies, iniquity, inequity and the lady of justice whose eyes are wide open and uses the sword most unfairly and arbitrarily. Indeed, OUR HOUSE HAS FALLEN! The state cannot guarantee you a job, a decent pay or even a regular pay. The pension cannot buy you one newspaper and then it is always in arrears. The state would rather give a contract to a foreigner before a Nigerian. The state cannot pay your education,housing and health. It would rather throw you into streets and sell your abode to the highest bidder in the name of privatization. The government will not take any deliberate steps to protect or advance your welfare and you are a certified stranger in every part of the country.
Security men assume you are guilty until proven innocent; treat bonafide Nigerians like aliens and bus drivers are reward with accidental discharge for failing to settle with #20. This is a country where if you provoke the president, he can call you a bastard on National TV! You cannot even freely assemble to tell the government that you detest what it is doing or suggest alternative courses of action! Yet, most of these things are guaranteed in our constitution!, we buy petrol that is produced in Nigeria at international prices because that is the proper thing to do!
The rulers disregard the law and constitution, which they swore to defend and promote; they loot treasury with impunity and perpetrate all sorts of injustice against individuals, groups, states and regions. The centre has appropriated all the powers and resources belonging to a federating nation; turning the states into beggarly, unviable entities to be favored or purnished as it pleases the powers to be; while the states in turn suppress the local governments. Political parties have been turned into private properties of the powerful who now play gods, anointing their stooges to choice positions. The electoral process has been profaned and the executive has rendered the legislature impotent; the judiciary has been compromised, especially at the lower levels; the poor are visited with full weight of the law for every minor misdemeanors but the high and mighty break, bend or ignore the laws with impudence.
The fundamental responsibility of the state to protect and promote the security and welfare of the citizens has been conveniently forgotten in a country where the law of force has taken over from the force of law. Those who feel marginalized, oppressed and suffocated by unjust structures, laws, policies, practices and processes do not have transparent and objective means of obtaining justice.
Our leaders not only cheat whoever is not of their own,
they deliberately keep people and sections of the country down; practice divide and rule and set brothers after brothers. And they loot as if money is now going out of fashion! Looting is now in billions and will soon get to the trillions! The figure no longer frightens us and there is no sense of shame. Well, this is my 'sincere anger on the political situation in Nigeria'. To this end, a way forward is imperative. Hence, I ask the reader, WHAT IS THE WAY FORWARD???

In a Distance, A Tempest Approach

A frenzied existence, a frenetic life
Unadultrated madness,feverish with organized chaos
A candle burning at both ends, and again in the middle,
And any 'mojo film' once begun, is tenaciously hold unto
A feeling of immortality; of invincibility- Death is something that always happens,
But never happens to us!
Beer? Drink two cartons!
Smokes? Haba, can't we mange with three rolls?
"Yemi," u no go smoke & drink?
Free am joorh, omo mummy He too dey form supernatural!
Wey the women? Let's have another party!
That clock on the wall is just talking to itself...
We can stay twenty-four hours, another twenty-four, and
yet another;
Back to back,school,work,play;work, play... Without sleep or rest!
She called,"Fi oju si iwe o," remember that you're just a
pre-degree student...
Who be dat? Na my mumsy
wetin happen again? No mind...
'Enjoy' life! Until you milk out all the pleasure; Until all that's left is an ugly shadow of what used to be
You race the engine, until you come to a resounding crash. O prophet, but you are so wicked!
Oh, why did you not force me to listen?
You Noah, why did you not make yourself clearer?
For I was one of them who laughed at your message,
Your urgent prophecy of a coming flood:
Intellectual logic, but no emotional understanding of God Never believe that anything could happen to my beautiful world
When I heard about the flood imminent, I cackled and I hooted with mirth
When I saw the signs, I turned a blind eye, and I nearly
died of blindness And I laughed, and I laughed, until I cried, until it was
upon me.


Biologically,sex is designed for 1 main purpose;
PROCREATION. Anyfyn else, that's extra! D female
reproductve cycle comes 1ce a mnth; for a man its
everydy.For each sexual act,the woman's 1 egg lst by d
man's 120million sperm cells. Now, lets do some
calculation,a 120million sperm cell,a day;everyday as opposd to 1 egg, a mnth; evrymnth. I mean,if dere is any viable scene,it tkes 40men to impregnate all the women in the world.This point to one clear fact,a man is by nature!
Legally and fidelity are un.nat.ural situation by religious
beliefs&social-sections,tke those away, every man will CHEAT! D truth is biological. Now lets luk @ d extra, its a well known fact dat women as d weak part r more emotional dan men. So it is natural
that the sexual encounter should be attached! But b'cos the man is mor vigilnt and logical in nature dt all dese have got
nothing to do with luv. A man luvs hs woman by protectn&providin for her. Period! Its really quite simple, for a man, the physical and emotional!
Men ve d ability to cheat&its for a reason. The mental of a man is defind by the complx of a man, genetic&environmental attitudes dat defines his nature, his action & dat's d environment of man, society.Perhaps, every family desire to have a boy(s), a mother
who lets him bring home "skinpee girls" evry weekend,smiling to herself,my son is now a man! A wife who marry him, knowin dat he ws unfaithful while dey were
dating, bt said 2 herself,he changes with time. As soon as a man gets a job, he's expectd to get,be kick girl & marry weda or not he has d maturity to speaks his outter mind out. The social factor and futuristic event/
outcome is irrelevant, all we know is that his a grown
man, marry, HE MUST!, A few month while the excitement
has die down, he goes back to the promisequous life he
was before & then, we wonder why? The answer is simple, our society has grown men to see marriage as an
arrangement in whch fidelity is nt absolute pre-condition
but a luxury & as a result society cannot expect much
more more from them.

Is AFRICA the life line of the WEST?

Africa, life of the west? That's a joke! A life line is a rescue instrument 4rm existing danger,& Africa is d continent in danger. The fact of d matter remains dt Africa is dieing for survival & d west, western foreign policy hv taken a sympathetic course b'cos of Africa combined with the United nation and the world bank reveiw,that 75% of d populatn in Africa are poor,life expectant in Africa is bout 49yrs,68% of d pple livin wit HIV/AIDS are in Africa, 48% of children in Africa do nt hv access to safe water,bout 200million pple in sub-saharan Africa ALONE are under marriage,bout 16million Africa children are orphan by HIV/AIDS in Africa, every 3seconds,a child dies of hunger in Africa,bout 200thousnds childslaves were sold in Africa,yearly. This's a pathetic situation, to save Africa from this horrible picture,the west hs employ the instrument of foreign aids,foreign ivestment,development funds,even credit facilities& Africa hv yet, deffered and waiting 4 anoder payment! Africa is the continent in crises & d west is Africa life line. Yes, The west used psychological means to make us (Africa) dependent on them, Africa contribute 70% of the world cocoa, 34% of its cofee,50% of the gold dat d world uses is 4rm Africa, Africa if tke out of d equation leaves the west finishd!.suffice to say here,all these are nothin buh a conspiracy theory. Africa is only bout 1 0% of d international trade of western countries, In most Africans country, there economy are heavly depended on the west. several African countries depends on the west for foreign aids,lets even leave the international trade aside & 4gt d profit Africa is makin yearly 4rm trade aids in western countries. Africa still heavly depends on foreign aids or BONANZA if u like it on the west.
Thus, is Africa the life line of the west?
Absolutely not! How can Africa rescue the west from
danger when Africa is in crises? The WEST on the contrary is the life line of AFRICA!

A resounding echo to the westerners/Interlopers: change your perception about us(Africa)!

In 1878, the American journalist, henry stanley labelled
Africa "the dark continent" in his "travelock", he was
referring to the unexplored mystery of Africa,and then
mapped out every last mystery of this blessed continent, including the illusory self of the hour! The labour remains sustained now, by a dark perception of a wasteful/ wayward continent. But this is higly disturbing because he ignored the historical contributions of Africa to the like of the modern civilization,prevent the respect of mutual relationship between Africa and the west. At the heart of Africa, a sum of purest,wealthiest and mineral resources, these gift of nature to Africa has oil the wheels to the development of western industrilization, civilization,economic integration and technological advancement of the west. Evidently, we cannot denial the challenges of Africa which varies in degrees are by no means exclusive but what we ask of the west is to understand and appreciate the unparrallel role, glory and strenght of AFRICA.
Let this message RESOUND in the white house, in downing street, in paris, in palanso chily, in laputa, in media circles and other power houses of the west that all corners of Africa must now be respectively respected in foreign policy decision... In Egypt, the heart of... In South Africa,the land of the rainbows, In Riwanda, the land of the thousands hills; In Nigeria, the Giant of Africa. Africa must now be seen and respected as a significant contributor to our "COMMON MIRROR". In sum, dear reader, everywher, anyhow, anytime, "we share a common destiny"


The greatest farce ever perpetrated has to be beyond a
shadow of a doubt, evolution. It fits every requirement
of a farce. It is a complete lie that has been buried
beneath so many others it has become a pure comical
tragedy within itself. There are even many other farces
that have been built around it. Evolution was nothing but a hypothesis; yes a guess as to why there was a
variation in the fossil record, it was never anything more
than that. But its perpetrators made so much money and
had so much fun with it they continued to build upon it.
To think it has gone on for more than a century, and has
destroyed the very morals of our society, also makes it perhaps the greatest tragedy too. The farce is built upon so many lies for so many years it
would take an eternity to destroy every one. Thus, their
plan worked. One might say it was brilliantly
perpetrated, but the fact it can be so easily destroyed
with just common sense, allows one to believe it�s not
so brilliant, as its believers so gullible. It�s like a shoplifter caught red handed with a pair of glasses on his
face bearing the store label with today�s date and no
receipt of purchase, after the clerk has pointed out the
fact and they continue to leave the store; or a murderer
with a smoking gun in his hand, loot in the other and a
dead woman�s body lying a few feet away with powder burns on her chest clothed only in underwear
inside her own residence; saying, �let�s keep an open
mind, shall we? � The biggest problem for this writer is where to start and
keep it interesting enough with as plain of English as
possible that all will read without boredom and
understand. With that being said, I will now attempt to
do this (knowing full well I�ve already lost the farce
believer with my opening statement which is a good thing, for they might devise a plot against me: Recently, I was accused of maybe over indulging in
caffeine: 'Wow.. all I can say is 'Dude, lay off the caffeine'' I thought this very funny: 1) Yes, I'm afraid I do drink a
lot of coffee and caffeinated soda.2) That they accused
me of caffeine and not some other substance. (i.e. What
are you smoking?) LOL Let�s start with a simple one word oxymoron: �theory�.
An oxymoron is two exactly opposite words used to
describe a situation, such as �painful pleasure�. When
looking up the definition of theory, I found it has
changed over time. Today the word can mean almost
anything depending on who is defining it and when. The word must therefore be taken back to its roots to
determine its original meaning. Theory comes from the
Greek (a language that is not as prone to change as the
English) word �theoreo� meaning to �see�, to
�observe�, to �look�, can thus be taken back to its Greek
root which means to be a �spectator�, i.e. to discern (And just what a spectacle this �theory� has become) . It seems that �theory� has �evolved� to mean many
different and even opposing terms. From language, to
science, to medical definitions all seem to define �theory�
anyway they please. Did not the word originate in the
Greek and carry the meaning �to observe�? Did not the
earlier definitions in all categories point to the fact that to form a theory one must observe a process that repeats
itself? That one was required to provide PROOF? Hmm, I
wonder what would have ever caused our language to
�evolve�? For now it seems that the definition of
�theory� has no more meaning than hypothesis (i.e. a
guess) . Is it my understanding that as man's knowledge advanced (i.e. evolved) it became a necessity that
�theory� had to be altered as well, never mind it took
intelligence to do so let�s just say it �evolved�? Now by this very definition of a �theory� in science
today, I can thus put forth my �theory� that �GRAVITY
EVOLVES� without any proof what so ever that the
process has to repeat itself or can be verified by
experimentation. It does not have to be proven
mathematically as always ending with the same result, from now, through eternity; infinitely the same result. But I do have proof. The rock that was on the top of the
hill yesterday is at the bottom today. Therefore the
gravitational forces must have increased, for there is no
other way it could have gotten there (at least I am not
required to think there might be other possibilities) .
Now it is up to someone else to provide proof that my theory will not work, NOT ME TO PROVE IT; as a matter of
fact I can reject any such proof if I so choose. Sound
familiar? So now, will someone disprove my theory? Knowing
full well I can reject anything that might do so. I gained
a pound today, not my fault, gravity evolved! ! ! ! Recently I had the opportunity to post on two discussion
sites. One was a thread on evolution and the other a
thread on evolution vs. creationism/divine design.
Anyway, the following statements got me banned,
that's right, banned. All the posts I made deleted every
one. The first site only allowed pure science in the discussion. Now, all the post made there were the same
as here, except the third and fourth ones. I never
mentioned a God or a creator, as you can well see here.
The second site included them all. They go as follows: 1) 'Insanity is, doing the same thing over and over,
expecting different results.' Benjamin Franklin 2) Whether Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein
produced this quote doesn�t matter. The fact is that both
the Philosophical and the scientific communities claim
one of their own made it. Why? Because the very
essence of this statement is considered to be truth, fact,
i.e. LAW. 3) My, my The Bright Morning Star is sure brilliant
tonight. So brilliant in fact its concept has just flew over
one like a jet aircraft! 4) Hmm, Science and Christianity collide.....
For you Biblical Scholars: Where is it written that this
universe is only 6000 years old? Gen 1: 1; In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Do I
see a simple period here?) - - END OF STATEMENT! ! ! ! It does NOT give a date! For you Evolutionists: Please, will someone tell me what
happens to a theory when it BUCKS a LAW? 5) The Fantasy of Evolution goes against every law of
Physics.....try it....what is the basic most general thing
that must be done to even formulate a theory? ? ? ? 'Ah,
but we can't possibly observe evolution because it takes
too long.' FARCE! ! ! ! This is meant so you don't do it! ! ! !
I don't care how long it takes the process MUST repeat itself! ! ! Therefore, even if I am in the lead, and it took
100 million years to get here.....within that time frame, is
so much time, that the process would have started over
countless times.....therefore....I should be able to step
outside and wave to my neanderthal neighbor while
watching the dinosaurs feed on my front lawn.....DO YOU CARE TO GO ON? (i.e. do you want me to expose every
farce perpetrated?) (I just got banned from the evolution thread, all my
posts eliminated because of this) : 6) A theory is a conclusion drawn from the observation
of a process which ends in the exact same
result.....always.....infinitely. It cannot vary! ! ! ! Its results
MUST remain the same, if a variation occurs because
something has been introduced or removed to cause
that variation, it becomes a new process. This IS the very thing which defines a theory and a LAW. A theory is
quite frankly, a LAW in progress! ! ! ! It is a process
which can infinitely and exactly be predicted. Now I will proceed to put forth a hypothetical situation,
which is what evolution could, at its very best, ever
claim to be......yes, a GUESS! ! ! ! !
-Tomorrow Gravity EVOLVES! ! ! ! ! I found it interesting that when I put forth the �theory�
on a �evolving� gravitational force it upset them until I
Googled it. Wow! That�s their next move. They are
attempting to change gravity, why? Then it dawned on
me, the �Big Bang Theory�. In able to say the universe is
expanding, they have to say gravity is changing, because if it didn�t just think of the result. As the distances
between galaxies, stars, planets, etc� continue to
increase, if gravity remained the same, as the increase in
distance continues, centrifugal force takes over and we
are shot out of orbit, to freeze as we glide through space
sometime before we hit light speed! ! ! Now with these previous statements, can you detect the
farce? As we learned as children a good investigation
should always contain the five W�s (who, what, where,
when, why) and even how, but I�ve found the most
important is the �why�. So ask yourselves WHY? ? ? ?
MONEY! ! ! ! The parasites make their living off of keeping the farce alive. If they fail to do so, they would actually
have to work for a living. Their tactics are so simple: 1)
Misdirect, continue to lead you down paths designed to
get you lost or at least keep you so busy disproving the
various lies they use to support their farce, you never
get back to it and become discouraged and give up; 2) Insult, utilize the �you�re not keeping an open mind�
line or I�m so much more intelligent than you ploy (i.e.
quantum physics equations prove�) . Can you now see what they�ve done? They have
removed the requirement that they provide actual
PROOF! And the FARCES continue to build, i.e. Evolution,
Big Bang, Greenhouse Effect, etc�. It is the constants, truths, facts, i.e. Laws, that allow us to
be able to make accurate predictions. With the law of
gravity we can now calculate acceleration and with what
force the apple will strike the ground (i.e. foot-pds) . You
see, if everything evolved we could never calculate
anything with accuracy. We could create formulas with so broad of results; that a process could be predicted to
lie within the formula�s wide ranging parameters, but it
would be impossible to accurately predict its outcome.
So a missile launched to strike Timbuktu would be
considered successful if it landed somewhere near the
end of the world! Understand? If mathematics evolved; 2 + 1 = 3 today, equals 4 tomorrow, we�d never be able to
calculate anything. Now armed with the facts, might there be another
reason to explain the variation in the fossil record? What
force of nature will always advance the DNA? Always
advance, never regress, always advance�.OMG! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Yes, if one were creating a species would not one just
simply alter its DNA to create another breed? Would not that be much easier and more efficient than recreating a
new one from scratch? You see things do �evolve� if effected by a variation in
the process and that forward (but not always good)
evolutionary progress is always produced by
intelligence. Furthermore, if certain processes �evolve�
always for the better, never the worse, it could only be
done by Devine Design. For if something progresses from A to B to C and never reverts back to B � for if it
did, then B would be able to either advance or regress
�thus resulting in all life forms in existence
simultaneously, and we could observe it! There is no
other force of nature capable of doing this. In closing: I post this here for all Christians to see. If you
confront them with the pure scientific truth they can't
stand it. First before they're not quite sure where you're
going they will try to misdirect you. They will even site
single instants where they've seen something evolve
themselves, but this is nothing more than a variation, because it's just a one-time occurrence. Then when they
see you�re not going to be misdirected by their B.S. they
will try to prove how intelligent they are. They will say
crap about quantum physics and how equations
prove.....don't be misled, because they're trying to leave
you awestruck, and they want you to think that they know what's correct because you're a peon. Don't fall
for it! ! They might even know some equations or two,
but I doubt how many could actually use them without
a computer to do it for them. Anyway, a formula can be
made with such broad results; anything could fall within
the wide ranging parameters. Much like the vague predictions of astrology, they can be made to fit anyone,
anywhere. If they're predictions were so accurate they'd
be rich, they'd win every lottery. But the fact of the
matter is there are just too many variables. They can
predict the odds, because they know the numbers
involved (see even they need constants) and they can figure all the possible combinations, but they can't
predict the winning number! ! ! So I hope this helps your faith. Because they love to
attack Christians, no other group just Christians, Why?
(Always ask why) because Christians aren't fooled. So
they will try to point out the mistakes of the past which
Christians have made just because of misinterpretations.
And they're favorite, to misquote the Bible (they take it out of context every single time) . Epilogue: You're NOT comprehending the first LAW of Liberalism.
Are you ignoring it? Do you ignore it because without it
you are out of a job? ? ? ? The first and foremost Law of
Liberalism is EVOLUTION! ! ! ! ! ! Crush it, and you crush all
they are. You see, everything they believe, everything
EVOLVES! ! ! ! From science, to political beliefs, everything changes for
the better, it evolves! ! ! That's why they always interpret
the US Constitution as an evolving document. They
believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, that things can
only progress, never regress, always progress. They
have changed very definitions of our language to bring forth that FARCE! ! ! ! ! ! ! Look at an old definition of what a 'theory' is...... Dust off
a very old science book, check out Webster�s, and look
at how they define a theory today! ! ! They have
removed the requirement of having to provide PROOF! ! ! Today all you need is a guess. And presto! ! ! It�s a
theory! ! ! ! ! It used to be a theory had to be rooted in
FACT. Why? ? ? ? ? Because a theory was on its way to
become LAW. And a law is a constant. A thing that
PRINCIPLE? ? ? ? ? They are trying to FOG all constants! ! ! ! From science, to
language, to political interpretations, to life itself! ! ! ! !
Why? ? ? ? Because the constants, the facts, the truths, i.e.
the LAWS, stand in their way. The more they can make
people doubt the constants, the greater the chance they
will doubt the presence of a Creator and His LAWS! ! ! ! ! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? ? ? ? ? ? If the LAWS disappear
then it�s a FREE FOR ALL! ! ! ! What they want: TOTAL and UDDER CHAOS! ! ! ! ! ! ! AND you are free to use the slogan: �Tomorrow, Gravity
EVOLVES! ! ! ! �


Blessed are those,
Who awaken with insight!
Those who have been shakened,
From a need to maintain...
Routine indoctrinations,
Of a perceived sanity. One in which restricts limited beliefs.
Inflicted to sustain pain and grief. And becoming less frightened,
They are...
By a Creator who wishes them to envision,
A 'truth' that is!
A truth that frees a consciousness,
Reaching to seek a peace within! A peace shared and released between mankind.
And with truth accepted,
This without obstruction...
Can and does finally begin. Blessed are those,
Who awaken with insight.
Those who have been shakened,
From a need to maintain...
Routine indoctrinations,
Of a perceived sanity. One in which restricts limited beliefs.
Inflicted to sustain pain and grief.
At the benefit of needless conflict.
That produces sicknesses of all kinds. And let it be said,
It has been to no one's benefit...
To admit on this Earth,
In their minds reflecting upon it.
That any conflict ever condoned...
Has created a respect for peace. At least none as yet that has been expressed,
Or urgently digested to put an end to conflicts known.
To manifesting a peace that increases this benefit,
As can be shown!


Blessed are those,
Who awaken with insight!
Those who have been shakened,
From a need to maintain...
Routine indoctrinations,
Of a perceived sanity. One in which restricts limited beliefs.
Inflicted to sustain pain and grief. And becoming less frightened,
They are...
By a Creator who wishes them to envision,
A 'truth' that is!
A truth that frees a consciousness,
Reaching to seek a peace within! A peace shared and released between mankind.
And with truth accepted,
This without obstruction...
Can and does finally begin. Blessed are those,
Who awaken with insight.
Those who have been shakened,
From a need to maintain...
Routine indoctrinations,
Of a perceived sanity. One in which restricts limited beliefs.
Inflicted to sustain pain and grief.
At the benefit of needless conflict.
That produces sicknesses of all kinds. And let it be said,
It has been to no one's benefit...
To admit on this Earth,
In their minds reflecting upon it.
That any conflict ever condoned...
Has created a respect for peace. At least none as yet that has been expressed,
Or urgently digested to put an end to conflicts known.
To manifesting a peace that increases this benefit,
As can be shown!


It is saddening to record dat leadership in our nation
had tended towards the Hobbesian scheme to a grea t
extent.As a matter of fact, it has even left the realm of
Hobbesian to Machiavellianism. Our political leaders
have learnt credence from Niccolo Machiavelli who
postulated that the prince(leader) is one who usurps,absolutes or monarchies power.A leader for him, is one who does not belives in slave morality(e.g
peace,gentleness,justice,rights, etc),but one who
upholds master morality(e.g cruelty,deception,callousness,etc).He says: it is necessary to understand this: that a prince, and especially a new prince,cannot observe all those things for which men are considered good, for in order to maintain the state, he is often obliged to act against his promise,against charity, against humanity and religion. Andtherefore, it is necessary that he has a mind ready toturn itself according to the way the winds of fortune and the changeability of affairs require him, as long as it is possible,he should not stray from the good,but he
should know how to enter into evil when necessity
demands.Such is d frame of mind of Machiavelli; and
such is the frame of mind of most, if not all,our
political leaders in Nigeria. They have so much practiclized the Machiavellian skill of "fox and lion"-
the skill of pretence and evil (maradonic skills). And the
products of such skills are misuse of power,election
manipulations,election rigging,god fatherism,false
electoral promises,certificate forgery,political
assasinations,money laundering,tenure prolongation,fraud gangsterism, to mention but a few. To say then that our nation is in a dilapidatin state is to beg the question.Hence,we could confidently affix the bad situation of the country to machiavellinism-bad leadership. At all events, Nigeria cannot truly overcome the follies of its recent history until former leaders are made to account for their stewardship, or lack of it.
For too long, Nigerians seem to be incapable of rising up in unison to demand justice from their leaders. That is why folly, if care is not taken, will continue to be the defining characteristic of Nigerian leadership.But wait a minute! Let us ask ourselves a question: from where do the bad leaders we have come from? What made them bad? Were they just intrinsically bad? The simple answer is that they are products of bad/corrupt system- the society.So, it is often said dat a bad followership(or bad system) cannot produce a good leadership, just like a mango tree cannot start to produce guava fruit,ceteris paribus. It then means dat our society is itself bad,corrupt & Machiavellian. What a pity! But someting can still be done. We can have another community! Another state is possible! Infact, a new Nigeria is possible! What then is the way forward???



In contemporary times, like no other period in history, humans are so pre-occupied with the rat race for material comfort that they tend to forget those simple things that make human life humane. Civilisation to me, is an attitude of mind to fellow human beings, society and reality in general, it is not the quantity of material things an individual possesses. Some of the attributes of civilised human being are gratitude, social etiquettes such as respect for elders, decency in speech asn as well showing gratitude for fovours received, among others. There is no doubt that appreciation or kindness and charity is an important attribute of a refined person. It encourage people to do more good to others and promotes the culture of solidarity and good will. Consequence from the above, i shall therefore, use this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to those who, in various ways, helped me to cope with the vicissitudes, daunting and existential challenges of my life, particularly, in 2011.
First, MY GOD, you made heaven and earth, and all things, good and bad. You have blessed me with so many people,who have been blessings in my life. I humbly thank you for all the miracles you have performed in my life, especially the ones i haven't been aware of ! Truly, my cup runneth over...
I remain eternally greateful to my parents; you can never become so old that you become anything other than your parents' child. Especially, IYA YEMI, i'll never forget the sufferings she went through for the sake of her childeren, including myself. SEUN, i cannot contemplates how grateful i am for having as a brother. The sky is your limit! BRO FATAI, i usually mistake you as my second-dad! Thanks for your concern about my progress in life. JUMMY and KOYE, cousins me toh baaadth, you guys are da bomb! Without you, i have no family.
My gratitude also goes to MR & MRS ADETUNMBI, you picked me up again, when push came to shove. Perhaps, i would i have been a miscreant without your mentoring and guardianship. Now, it appears to me clearly, why daddy was strict and disciplined! BRO WALE, LEKAN, IDRIS and AFEEZ, you guys will forever remain my blood!
All thanks to Ms. FLY, for enriching my life and making it worth living. Without question, my existence would have been a fraction without its denominator, in her absence. May your shadow never grow less!
I also acknowledge the contribution of all my lecturers, in the department of philosophy, University of Lagos, especially, my course adviser, DR SBJ. His consistent encouragement and advices has helped me tremendously to find my bearing in the murky waters of the academic environment. Special thanks to the ORACLE OF ONTOLOGY, coincidentally, my supervisor, PROF JIM IJENWA UNAH, your refined thought and wisdom has always been a source of inspiration to me. I salute you sir! Im happy to say im the product of your own making!
I am also highly indebted to, EMMANUEL ARODOVWE, your disharming humility singles you out as an enlightened, human being and makes you an inspiration to me as well. FUNMI, 'my sis from another mother': ups and downs will come, but a friend in need is still a bloody nuisance! KOME, BISI, MAYOWA, REX, FESTUS and MICHAEL,how can i forget you guys?
DR SUFI, you taught me the dreaded logic. Now, it is gainsaid that im one of the best in that course. Little did they know, that you are the secret of the success. For this, i am highly grateful. OSHA, TOSIN, IFEANYI, YANGA(we're still working on it. lol!), you'all are my oga's and budding intellectuals!
OLAJIDE GEORGE, fasa president, you a pillar of support. Henceforth, o ti di oju oro tin leke omi, oti do osu bata tin leke odo! ONIBABA, aka baba oloye, how can i forget your kindness? Most times, i wonder how u are able to combine studies, work and babes. Anycase, your personality is a pointer to the fact that, as a man, you must hustle. Thanks for that reminder! PEACE, the most outstanding student in my class. You have inadvertently contributes to my academic success. I pray that God'll see you through and all of us. ABIMBOLA and YEK, has undisputedly, remain the most incorrigible and perpetual budding classmates. Suprisingly, your 'canterkerousity' always made me restless. Thanks for making me better my best; keep bringing it on! TERRY and DEBO, two of a kind. Really?lol! Thanks for tolerating my 'impressionalistic attitude',u
you two, are very good bad guy. OYIN, TOMI, BISO and BUKKY, 4plet of a kind, if that ever exist! Thnks for been a friend. PITA(as i am), how can i forget you? TOBI and co., DAMMY, BJ, VICKY, OYE, LAMIDI, DEAN, WALE, ADURA,.hey, hope i wont put myself into trouble by mentioning to much, yet, some names are left out? BABA ADEJUMO is more than a class-mate. The appellage 'BABA' is not accidental. His personality and tenacity sparkles the desert of my unseriousness! To all the philosophy graduating class 2011/2012, thanks for tolerating my excess in class. You guys are the bomb!
I also acknwoledge NAPS and NAOSS EXCOS, without you guys, my administratitive and managerial skill's doomed!
All thanks to MRS JIMOH IBRAHIM, thanks for your accomodation and student friendly. Pls ma, dont forget those faces and contact, because, i might come bugging you after school. Lol! MR.PATRICK of KSD investment and co. Thanks for all your advices. Mr. OLAONIPEKUN of motif oil and Gas, thanks for hospitality. Mrs IBIDUN of Tinapa's clothing, you are mother!
To all my room mates in RM A1O4, Mareire Hall, and all my friends at ijagun, KENNY, DELLY, SUNDAY, LEKE, EDWIN,TOYIN, VIVIAN, KAFFI, BIMPE.. Thank you all for accomodating my excess. Thanks to all that wish me well in all my endeavours and those who believe in my dreams, my fb fellaz, my avid readers on Information Nigeria. May Almighty God meet you in all your point of needs!
For all those i did not mention, and all of you, who know yourselves. I've realized that no matter how you try, you can never remember everyone; so it's not that you aren't important, but that i'm suffering from 'Memory Lapse', accept my sincere gratitude. Surely, whether mentioned or otherwise, i am nothing without you. Wishing you all, Merry christmas and prosperous New Year in Advance.